Adjust Quality in Real Time
技术分类:过程与先进控制 作者:Mark T. Hoske 发表时间:2005-12-05
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“In the discrete world, commonly held views have been, ‘Don’t wreck the machine,’ and ‘Catch any bad product before it gets out the door,'” says Kevin J. Zaba, Rockwell Automation manager, process market development.

Now OEMs can improve machine performance by embedding the S88 phase state model into controllers, with equipment state (start, run, abort, recover) separate from control code, to improve machine performance, Zaba explains. Software can integrate machines and syste

ms with mechanical, electrical, bill of materials, HMI/visualization, batch, historian, tracking, tracing, and other attributes. Such unification offers a sort of “Microsoft Office Suite for automation and design,” providing big advantages by making code more visible, which is a better for closing the loop on discrete manufacturing within a machine or on a line.

Among SPC/SQC (statistical process control/statistical quality control) software vendors getting the message about the need for real-time is Datanet Quality Systems, maker of WinSPC software. That software has an “intelligent closed-loop feedback” feature that can “automatically flag and respond to user-defined violations.” If it’s flagged for operator attention, though, it’s open-loop control. Self-correcting is closed loop. Some traditional SPC/SQC software vendors are just becoming familiar with the concept and real-time tools, which has left opportunities for automation software providers to offer those functions.

Two main changes will enable engineers to incorporate more closed-loop control into future systems, according to Todd Walter, data acquisition product manager, National Instruments (NI). “First, machines are becoming electronically controlled instead of mechanically controlled. Third-generation machines are emerging using servo motors and electronic gearing instead of mechanical gearing, camming, or a line-shaft. This trend provides the opportunity to dynamically adjust the machine without operator involv

